We spend 90% of our time indoors, and our indoor air quality can dramatically affect our health. Indoor air pollutants can be spread by HVAC systems, radon gas, building materials, cleaning products and smoking. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are common pollutants that come from new carpeting or paint, cleaning products, office equipment (such as copiers), furniture or carpets made with synthetic materials and some building materials. In the air, VOCs can form a variety of harmful gases, including formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. Here are indoor air quality tips to consider. Remove Air Pollutants Ensure your cooling and heating system is working appropriately. This... View Article
Properly maintaining your air conditioning unit is one of the best ways to maximize the lifespan of your cooling unit while also ensuring that your unit is as energy-efficient as possible. Most heating and cooling professionals recommend that you perform spring HVAC maintenance. This is because it helps to get your air conditioning ready for the upcoming summer months after sitting idle during the winter months. Here are a few spring maintenance tips you can perform to get your unit ready for summer. Change Your Air Filter One of the best things that you can do to prepare your HVAC unit... View Article
Spring cleaning is when most homeowners do a deep cleaning of their entire home. Your HVAC system should also be cleaned in your yearly routine. The more people and pets that live in your home, the more dust, allergens, pollen, dander, airborne bacteria, and contaminants that can be in your air ducts. If you have someone in your home with allergies or asthma, having your air ducts cleaned yearly can greatly help them breathe clean and fresh air. There are also many other benefits to annual air duct cleaning as well. Extending The Life of Your HVAC System When your... View Article
Your furnace relies on several things to run properly. It needs a good and consistent supply of fuel, of course, but it also needs to have a steady feed of air to keep flames burning at the right temperatures. Your air intake is a critical resource for keeping your furnace running at optimal capacity. Without a proper air supply, your pilot light won’t burn hot enough and your furnace can be starved of oxygen that it critically needs. To that end, a big part of homeowner furnace maintenance consists of removing any potential blockages from the outside. Read on for... View Article
Wintertime brings with it many challenges. Keeping water out of the foundation and your car running are just two of the outdoor tasks that can be a hassle, but more importantly it’s critical to keep your home’s heater in good working order. Your family’s safety and comfort rely on your home being kept at a cozy and consistent temperature, so knowing how and when to maintain your heater is a critical part of being a responsible homeowner. Staying up to date on heater maintenance is a great start, but beyond regular checkups, how can you tell if something is awry?... View Article