A smart thermostat is a programmable device that controls house temperatures, including heating, air conditioning and ventilation at different times of the day. A smart thermostat uses an internet connection to perform its functions. Investing in home thermostats, particularly the smart thermostat, is one of the best ways to reduce your home energy bills, saving a significant amount of money. Also, using a smart thermostat will enable you to control your home’s temperature regardless of your current location. This article will look at some of the key benefits of installing a smart thermostat in your home and how to choose the... View Article
Properly maintaining your air conditioning unit is one of the best ways to maximize the lifespan of your cooling unit while also ensuring that your unit is as energy-efficient as possible. Most heating and cooling professionals recommend that you perform spring HVAC maintenance. This is because it helps to get your air conditioning ready for the upcoming summer months after sitting idle during the winter months. Here are a few spring maintenance tips you can perform to get your unit ready for summer. Change Your Air Filter One of the best things that you can do to prepare your HVAC unit... View Article
Your furnace relies on several things to run properly. It needs a good and consistent supply of fuel, of course, but it also needs to have a steady feed of air to keep flames burning at the right temperatures. Your air intake is a critical resource for keeping your furnace running at optimal capacity. Without a proper air supply, your pilot light won’t burn hot enough and your furnace can be starved of oxygen that it critically needs. To that end, a big part of homeowner furnace maintenance consists of removing any potential blockages from the outside. Read on for... View Article
Temperatures are dropping, which means we’ll need to turn on our heaters sooner rather than later. Before you turn the heat on for the winter, it’s imperative that you prep the unit for the season to avoid breakdowns or costly repair bills. Follow these winter HVAC maintenance tips to ensure ultimate performance all winter long: Schedule an inspection: Our best advice is to hire a professional to schedule an inspection and tune-up. During your service call, a technician will clean your unit and replace any malfunctioning components. Ideally, these tune-ups should be performed in the fall, but it’s never too... View Article
Every homeowner wants to save their hard-earned money without sacrificing comfort. Often you may hear that keeping the thermostat at a consistent temperature is a smart idea to save energy. This way you don’t have to blast the heat or air conditioning to get the house to your target temperature. But is this conventional wisdom correct? If you’re tired of high energy bills, read on to find out how you can use your thermostat settings to save money. Thermostat best practices Let’s start with what you’re likely wondering about: It’s best to adjust your thermostat accordingly whenever you leave the... View Article