Categories for Humidity

How to Manage Humidity in Your Home

August 2, 2021

An excessive amount of humidity can be extremely annoying, especially when it’s inside your home. Too much humidity can cause you to sweat and increase the potential for mold growth in your home. For most people, excessive humidity is especially a problem during the summer months. Don’t let humidity take over! Wondering how to reduce humidity in your home? There are plenty of approaches you can take. Try some of the humidity management methods mentioned below and your home is sure to feel more comfortable in no time. Finding the right level of humidity You shouldn’t have too much or... View Article

Finding the Right Indoor Humidity Level

December 3, 2020

It’s not news to anyone living in Louisiana that the level of humidity in the air can affect how comfortable it is to be inside. But indoor humidity can also affect the functioning of your air conditioning and heating systems. The experts at JMB A/C & Heating LLC can help keep you comfortable by keeping up with your HVAC system maintenance and finding the ideal indoor humidity level for your home in New Orleans, LA. Read on for some more information. Humidity impacts more than your comfort Maintaining the proper level of humidity helps your home feel cooler when it’s... View Article

JMB A/C & Heating LLC