Categories for Humidity

How Humidity Affects Your Electric Bill

February 27, 2023

When it comes to energy usage, humidity is a big deal. High humidity can increase your electric bill, overheat your air conditioner, and even damage your electrical devices. Fortunately, there are ways to control humidity levels and get healthy, comfortable air in your home. We’ve rounded up 5 ways that humidity can affect your home’s electric bill and how you can fix them.  Increased Electric Bill  Aside from the obvious issues like mold and moisture damage, humid air can also have a big impact on your electric bill. This is because your cooling and heating systems have to work harder... View Article

Why Humidity Is Bad for Your House, and What You Can Do About It

August 5, 2022

One of the hidden dangers of being a homeowner is humidity in the house. On hot days, it seems like you can’t escape the unbearable humidity in your home. We’ll explore the answer to is humidity bad in the home, and ways you can lower it. What Is Humidity? Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air. The higher the humidity, the muggier it feels outside. On hot days, the air can hold more moisture and this is when we start to feel sticky and icky. While humidity might not seem like a big deal, it can actually cause... View Article

How Does High Humidity Affect Air Conditioning?

July 6, 2022

You may not have known this, but humidity is an HVAC system’s worst nightmare. It can wreak havoc on your heating and cooling efforts and cause you to spend a lot more than you should on electricity. Here’s some useful information about how humidity affects your system and what you can do to counteract those issues: How Does High Humidity Affect Air Conditioning? High humidity can disrupt your cooling process enough to make you ask, "Why does my A/C feel like it’s not working when the humidity is high?" You probably assume that an air conditioner should naturally overpower the... View Article

Reasons Why Your Home Needs a Dehumidifier

January 5, 2022

For a happy and healthy indoor environment, invest in a dehumidifier for your home. Common dehumidifier uses include preventing mold and improving air quality, but they have many other benefits as well. These products are especially useful in areas with high humidity, like Louisiana. Why use a dehumidifier? Read on for the many ways a dehumidifier can improve your home: They’re energy-efficient: Some people don’t invest in dehumidifiers because they’re worried about increased energy usage; however, most modern dehumidifiers were made with energy efficiency in mind. Simply look for an Energy Star rating on any dehumidifier you’re considering. Energy-efficient products... View Article

What Does a Dehumidifier Do?

November 18, 2021

A dehumidifier is a device that removes moisture from the air. It’s especially useful for those with asthma, allergies or respiratory conditions. Many people report that a dehumidifier helps relieve symptoms and makes breathing easier. If you’re wondering how a dehumidifier works and how it can help you, read on. What is a dehumidifier? A dehumidifier works by taking warm air currents into its coils with a fan. The warm air then contracts as it passes through the machine’s refrigerated coils, and the condensation remains in the dehumidifier. The condensation collects in a storage tank and cooler, drier air is... View Article

JMB A/C & Heating LLC