Your HVAC system likely did a lot of work over the summer keeping your house cool and comfortable during the heat and humidity. Before the heavy use of the winter arrives, you’ll want to make sure your system is in good operating condition, so you can go all season with reliable and efficient heating. Autumn is the ideal time to perform this maintenance because you’ll likely be able to spend a lot of the time without your system running as the weather reaches a happy medium between hot and frigid. Your ideal option is to work with a professional who... View Article
For homes with central HVAC systems, the air ducts serve as the highway for fresh air—whether heated by a furnace or cooled by an air conditioner—to circulate throughout every room of the house. When those ducts are full of dust, dirt and other pollutants, it not only is a nuisance for everyone in the household, but it can also be a health hazard. Here’s how to tell when you need your air ducts cleaned. Mold Being vigilant against mold and getting it handled as quickly as possible is one of the most important air duct cleaning tips. If you notice... View Article
As the days get shorter and the summer heat starts to wane, you’ll likely find yourself turning off the air conditioning and enjoying the cooler temperatures of fall. While the condition of your furnace may be the last thing on your mind, you shouldn’t wait until cold temperatures arrive to give your heater some attention—it could save you money and some major inconvenience if the temperature drops and you find your furnace isn’t working. Following some simple furnace maintenance tips will give you peace of mind that your heater’s good to go whenever you need it. Here’s how to prepare... View Article
The HVAC system is an essential component of your home. It controls the heating, cooling and ventilation of air, which is why it’s important to provide your HVAC unit with routine maintenance. Doing so will help prevent your unit from breaking down during the height of summer, leaving you without a way to keep cool. If your unit is having issues, it’s important to know basic HVAC troubleshooting and maintenance tips. Read on for some recommendations: Keep an eye on the circuit breakers: If your HVAC system has suddenly stopped working, check the circuit breaker. There are several things that... View Article
An excessive amount of humidity can be extremely annoying, especially when it’s inside your home. Too much humidity can cause you to sweat and increase the potential for mold growth in your home. For most people, excessive humidity is especially a problem during the summer months. Don’t let humidity take over! Wondering how to reduce humidity in your home? There are plenty of approaches you can take. Try some of the humidity management methods mentioned below and your home is sure to feel more comfortable in no time. Finding the right level of humidity You shouldn’t have too much or... View Article