Should I be cleaning my air ducts? As a homeowner, you must ensure that your system works properly, including ensuring your HVAC system gets the necessary cleaning services. Here are some of the top five benefits of cleaning air ducts in your heating unit. 1. Reduce Toxins in the Home Toxins remain in the ductwork and can be recirculated through your home each time the system is turned on. Having the ducts cleaned will eliminate these toxins, making it easier for everyone in the house to breathe. It’s essential, especially if you have asthma or allergies. You need to ensure that... View Article
As a top-notch business owner, you must always think ahead to ensure that your customers, employees, and visitors are comfortable. Having timely commercial HVAC maintenance plans is one of the most effective ways to do so. Here’s some information about maintenance and what to have on your checklist when it’s time to invite a service technician before the spring or fall seasons. When Should You Have HVAC Maintenance? The best time to have someone perform maintenance on your HVAC system is a few weeks before the seasons change. You should have your heating unit serviced before the fall comes into season,... View Article
You may not have known this, but humidity is an HVAC system’s worst nightmare. It can wreak havoc on your heating and cooling efforts and cause you to spend a lot more than you should on electricity. Here’s some useful information about how humidity affects your system and what you can do to counteract those issues: How Does High Humidity Affect Air Conditioning? High humidity can disrupt your cooling process enough to make you ask, "Why does my A/C feel like it’s not working when the humidity is high?" You probably assume that an air conditioner should naturally overpower the... View Article
Air ducts are important components of an air conditioner. Their efficiency is directly replicated in the performance of your cooling systems. If you have a malfunctioning air conditioner, the air ducts may be the culprit. Therefore, air duct cleaning should be a common occurrence to enhance the performance of your cooling system and prevent occasional repairs. Learn below the fundamental benefits of air duct cleaning. 1. Improve Indoor Air Quality The quality of air in the room or office deteriorates when your air ducts are clogged with dirt, dust, and other particles. The accumulation of these particles in the ductwork... View Article
A broken air conditioner is a common experience for many homeowners. Being aware of the causes of air conditioner failure can help you develop the necessary strategies that will keep your system in the best shape. These common causes of AC failure can guide you on how to go about it. 1. Frozen Coil A frozen coil is not usually an everyday occurrence. It happens when the air conditioner is used for long periods without being serviced. The frozen coil will not be able to function properly, and this will cause the entire system to fail. You can solve this problem... View Article